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Lifehouse stories

Real stories about LIFEHOUSE!!!

I feel like my constant twitter updates are getting kind of boring so here is something a bit more fun and interesting! Ok, so a couple days ago I posted the story about Jason running into a door in the dark, so here are a couple more quick fun stories from lifehouse I did NOT make up. If you missed it, I will just add it here. =)

Poor Jason did get in a fight, with a door, and he lost
So, what happened was he was in a hotel room that had a really fancy glass door, and in the middle of the night, he got up to use the restroom, and ran right into the door, and cracked his forehead open. He said after he got up off the floor he just went back to bed to heal. The next day, he put a band-aid on it, and he told some people, he was in a fight because "Being in a fight is way cooler than running into a door."

A Bryce story: Apparently, Bryce threw up all over the table of a restaurant because he was laughing so hard at something Jason said, and no one remembers what it was Jason said that was so funny. "I was so embarrassed I just ran!" -Bryce "We didn't know where he was and we were sitting there thinking we're gonna get in trouble cause there's puke all over the table." -Jason "Seriously though I must have said something really funny cause you just lost it."

A Rick story: "Recently, we were at the airport, leaving LA and I watched this lady start to blow chunks a bit. And I thought I had a pretty strong stomach but I watched her puke and I started to heave."-Rick "It was like stand by me and then I started to laugh"-Jason "And these guys were laughing at me I was like stop laughing!"-Rick

A Rick and Jason story: Jason made this up, he said that Rick became a member of the band because he found him on the side of the road with his drum kit and they needed a drummer so he joined.
What really happened: They met in a rehearsal space and had their bands practicing together, Ricky got out of his band, Lifehouse needed a drummer, so Rick auditioned against two fifteen year olds and won by default, Jason lied and said they were 12, but then corrected they were fifteen, and Rick got the gig because he could drive himself to rehearsals, then said and you were good bro and you were good. But Jason actually initially thought Rick looked really mean and was going to beat him up, but as Rick says, "Now he knows that, I love him."

Another one for Jason, Jason was talking about his worst throw up story, "I got real sick a while ago, there was puking plus.. you're... stuff coming out... other ends at the same time and yeah I don't really want to talk about it. It wasn't pleasant. It sucked. And I was in this really dingy hotel room and that just made it worse. I had the wetties so to speak."-Jason "Oh god.."-Rick

Also there is a Jason story, he was on the set of one life to live, and he stole a three foot valentine's day heart candy prop. And he said, when asked what one would do with a three foot prop, "Oh you give it to your woman, score mad points, that's what you do with it. I got the one that said hug me."-Jason 

Anyway, thought I'd share those while they were on my mind,

Au revoir! Bon matin!

Lifehouse Fanatic 2011

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