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Jason's birthday Project

Jason Wade birthday project 2011

For Jason Wade’s birthday this year, I decided that we should do something totally different. Lifehouse fans all over the world can send me (via mail) letters/cards/pictures/etc and I will put it all together nicely in a binder (make it into a book) and will send it off for him for his birthday. It would be awesome if you could also decorate a page (piece of paper) with whatever you want (as long as your name is included) along with whatever else you want to send in. (the decorated page will really help me put this together). I need everything to be by Monday, June 27th so I can make sure it arrives on time.
Please send your page and card/letter/etc to:
PO Box 821
Forks, WA

Please contribute!!!

Lifehouse Fanatic 2011

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