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What song would you most want a tutorial to play on guitar?

Feelings about lifehouse in the studio?

Which nickname is your fave?

What do you think of Angeline?


Hey guys

Hey, just wanted to say that soon the site will have a twitter account. Exciting right? =) Anyway, still in the middle of finals, so having to steer my ADD back toward studying every five minutes or so. I will be back to more exciting longer posts by Wednesday or Tuesday afternoon. Stay with me, it's just two more days. For now though, here are some humorous pictures I dig up from my computer archives of the guys. I hadn't seen some of these in a while and they gave me a good laugh, hopefeully you will enjoy these as well. Sorry about the rushed postings, again, it's only for two more days. 

Lifehouse Fanatic 2011

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